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Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41707

Slalom!!! Wohooo!

Lite lång (o blött att åka dit bara )


Magnus Thomé
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41707

Autocross / Slalom - SKOLA !!


Magnus Thomé
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41707

Den här skulle jag vilja gå på!


(lära sig att ställa in bilen...)

Magnus Thomé
Peter Eklöf

Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 1647

spana in denna sida.. här finns lite bilder mm från tyschkland å deras slalom tävlingar.. kika lite extra på den där 320is'n dom rejsar med.. såå sköönt sång i den motorn



ps. http://www.ewo-motorsport.de/Texte/ewobmw/bmw320is.htm länken till 320is'en thumbs up ds..
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41707

På nära håll har vi ju http://www.autoslalom.no som jag är MYCKET avundsjuk på att de har där....

Men vi har ju Lazzats slalomcup!!!! thumbs up

Magnus Thomé
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 41707

Från den här artikeln:



After tech, you should have some time to walk the course. Try to pay close attention when doing this, or there's a good chance you'll find yourself lost out there among a sea of pylons. Find someone who has done this before and see if they'll let you walk the course with them.

Expect a driver's meeting before the first car is sent out. Here the officials will welcome the beginners, go over some basic rules of the day and announce the schedule. Generally, you'll be broken up into work-run groups, which means you'll work while others race, and vice versa. Duties can include working at timing and scoring, writing down people's times, or chasing after knocked-over cones. If you're new at this, volunteer to pick up cones. Yeah, it's hard work, but it's usually best not to be in charge of timing and scoring at your first event. Also, while you're out on course shagging cones you'll get to watch the others run and will, hopefully, pick up some ideas.

When it's your time to run, try to relax as much as possible. Sometimes some light stretching or deep breathing helps--anything to get the butterflies out of your stomach. Pounding a few beers before your run is not a recommended way to relax.

Before pulling up to the starting line, make sure you can comfortably reach the steering wheel and pedals. Since you'll be making some big steering inputs, you may want to pull the seat a little more forward than usual to give yourself some extra leverage on the wheel.

This is a matter of personal opinion, but some drivers like to flip all of their mirrors so they can't be distracted by what's behind them. This also deletes the temptation to see whether or not you really hit that last cone in the slalom.

When it's your turn to run, the starter will motion when it's clear to pull up to the starting line. When you get the signal, go! Since the timers start when you actually break the start line--and not when you get the signal to go--you don't have to launch the millisecond you see the green flag. On the other hand, don't sit there all day either.

once out on course, concentrate on being smooth, making deliberate steering, braking and throttle inputs. Most cars can run an entire autocross course in second gear, so don't worry too much about shifting gears. We have seen novice drivers in souped-up Camaros downshift into first at every turn, and basically they are just wasting time and making extra tire smoke. If our BMW 318ti had enough torque to get around an autocross in second gear (and it did), then your car almost certainly does.


Since walking the autocross is really the only practice you'll get, try to maximize its usefulness. For some tips, we turned to multi-time Solo champ Danny Shields. Here's his advice:

· At the start, plan to position your car to maximize your speed through the lights. Remember it's okay to increase the distance before you get to the starting lights to give yourself a better running start.

· When looking at a turn, remember that a late apex will give you more speed on the next straight.

· Consider elevation changes: you'll need to slow down for an off-camber turn while you can run faster through a banked one. Also, an uphill section before a turn means you can brake a little deeper.

· Watch out for rough patches (less traction).

· While in a slalom, try to rotate your car before passing each cone.

· Visualize the whole course. You need to be thinking at least one corner ahead of where you are.

Magnus Thomé
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