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Michelin lägger ner Track Connect
1 besök senaste veckan (473 totalt)
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 42004

Michelin skrev:
Dear Customer,

You use the MICHELIN Track Connect kit, which analyzes passenger car tire pressure and temperature in real time during track sessions.

We are writing to inform you that starting on March 31, 2023, we will no longer be selling our MICHELIN Track Connect kits.
The mobile application and related services will be maintained until the end of 2023 so you can continue to use the solution throughout this year.

The decision to stop marketing these kits was based on the Michelin Group's need to deploy connected tire solutions for a broader public in the coming years while capitalizing on the experience gained through MICHELIN Track Connect. Over the past few years, we have built up a wealth of technical experience and an understanding of your needs that are crucial to the development of new solutions.
Although a page has been turned with the end of MICHELIN Track Connect, the story of the connected tyre in the field of sports and other uses has only just begun.

Magnus Thomé
Däck för banåka
Michelin lägger ner Track Connect
1 besök senaste veckan (473 totalt)
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