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RejsaRubberTrac Build/Mods for the A90 Supra
248 besök totalt
United States
Här sen Mar 2024
Inlägg: 8

Hello everyone!

First of all, I'd like to thank Magnus for developing the Rejsa RubberTrac project, it's been a fantastic learning experience and a great tool not only for myself but for friends as well.

My friend Peter sent me the original Github link and asked me to build a set for him as he was trying to get a better understanding on how he should update his aero. He's been chasing times around Limerock here in the US and has held some lap records as well. Anyway, I built a set for him and he was able to use them and determine some aero changes that have helped quite well! Here is his car:

We determined a perfect place to mount them at the front using the headlight bracket and the 3d printed mounts that are already present in the Github. Here is where they mount:

If you notice, the mount and enclosure look a bit different as well! I've been working on a different mount to better accommodate the A90 Supra at the front. I've also changed the enclosure which does the following:
-Allow for a larger battery
-Allow access to the reset button
-Create space to mount a sliding switch
-Make a more secure/easier to print lid

Please note that I'm still working on the design and should hopefully have it finished in the next month or so.

Here's some footage of the tire temp sensors in action in my own A90 Supra at the Pittsburgh International Raceway as well as Peter's at Limerock

Evan English
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 42160


Super fun too see implementations of it, thank you!

Magnus Thomé
Pontus Fyhr
Här sen Dec 2002
Inlägg: 5220

Very nice of you to give back to the community.
And what a cool build on that red supra!

Pontus Fyhr
United States
Här sen Mar 2024
Inlägg: 8

Magnus Thomé skrev:
Super fun too see implementations of it, thank you!

No problem! I apologize for taking so long to respond in my prior thread. Work and driving has been getting in the way. I'm actually on a work trip right now or I'd probably be done by now. Once I get the design down I plan on contributing to the github!

Slightly off topic but do you think there is anyway to transmit the data from these sensors to a CAN channel? I have some friends with data loggers connected to Powertrain CAN and would love to be able to incorporate it into their logs.

Evan English
Magnus Thomé
Här sen Nov 2002
Inlägg: 42160


rwense skrev:
Slightly off topic but do you think there is anyway to transmit the data from these sensors to a CAN channel? I have some friends with data loggers connected to Powertrain CAN and would love to be able to incorporate it into their logs.

That is very straight forward to add. I was pondering on adding it with my RejsaCAN boards as base but put it on hold

Magnus Thomé
RejsaRubberTrac Build/Mods for the A90 Supra
248 besök totalt
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